
The 2 main Scout movements in France support the release of the new book "Scouts


he two main Scout movements in France have contributed to the realization and the diffusion of the communication around this new book. The Guides and Scouts of Europe and the Scouts Unitaires de France have brought their support to the release of the new book “Scouts”.
Pierre Joubert has dedicated an important part of his life as an emblematic illustrator of French scouting. He drew for the main Scout movements in France. These drawings, witnesses of the scout life of each one, also reflect their history to all.
He would certainly be very proud to see that for the release of his book on his life as an illustrator in scouting, the main movements bring their support to this project in a brotherly scout spirit. It is a great recognition of his work.
As a former troop leader in each of these movements, I would like to thank them for their welcome and their precious help in the realization and promotion of this book. Thanks to their contribution, we are convinced that this book will be a success with the young scouts and their entourage.

Véronique and Christophe

Documentary research

The search for new drawings was no small feat. We searched private collections, explored dusty archives, and met with key individuals who contributed to the creation of this new edition. Each discovery was a moment of joy and excitement, giving us the feeling of embarking on an adventure in the footsteps of Pierre Joubert and his work.

In the end, nearly 3,000 new drawings will complement this new edition of “Scout,” and we were completely overwhelmed by the number and flow of information we had to manage. Honestly, we were not prepared for this, and it took weeks of work and days of playing Nomads in different archive locations to scan the missing drawings.

It was an exciting adventure.

Véronique and Christophe

The printer

We are pleased to announce that we have selected the French printer who will be responsible for producing our book. After examining several options, we have chosen a printer specializing in the production of art books. This decision was made due to their exceptional reputation for high-quality printing, as well as their experience in producing exceptional books.

We are confident that the selected printer has all the necessary skills to achieve a very high-quality print that will showcase Pierre’s works. We were particularly impressed by their attention to detail and the quality of their work.

The luxury edition will be crafted in the very workshop of this printer. We are convinced that the final result will meet our expectations and that readers will be delighted to discover Pierre Joubert’s works in such a beautiful book.

We would like to thank our printer for their professionalism, collaboration, and commitment to quality. We look forward to seeing the fruits of our collaboration.

We hope this short article is useful to you. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Véronique and Christophe

Cleanup of drawings

The process of creating a book about the works of Pierre Joubert involves many steps, and one of the most important is image cleaning. After a long documentary search to find missing drawings, we now need to work to make them conform to the originals once again.

In about 90% of cases, Pierre Joubert’s drawings were made on white or slightly pearly paper. However, over time, these drawings have been damaged by various alterations, including discoloration, stains, and yellowing. To restore the original appearance of these drawings, we must erase the whites and remove the backgrounds that distort the drawing. We are thus working on the restoration of the original work, with patience and meticulousness.

But our work doesn’t stop there. The printing techniques used in the 1930s and beyond were very different from those used today. Pierre’s drawings often have small black dots, defective color markers, and blocked blacks. To restore the original appearance of these drawings, we must clean and restore each drawing meticulously. We are determined that each drawing be treated with the same care and attention to detail as the others.

This lengthy work is essential to preserve Pierre Joubert’s work and make it accessible to readers of the book. We present several examples of our work. You can see below a drawing before and after restoration.

Véronique and Christophe

Mockup in white

The creation of a quality book requires many steps, and one of the most important is the creation of the white dummy. In the context of our project to produce a new edition of the Scout book, this step is essential to allow us to test the paper and finishing, as well as the technical resistance of the book and how it will be packaged for delivery to buyers in the best conditions.

We have thus received the first white dummy of our project. This dummy is the result of meticulous and rigorous work by our printing partner, who ensured compliance with the technical and qualitative specifications we had established.

This white dummy allows us to visualize the book in its final form, with its cover, pages, and finishing. It also allows us to test the quality of the paper, as well as the durability of the book under handling and usage conditions.

It meets all our expectations. We are confident that this high-quality book will meet the expectations of our readers and that its production will be a success.

Véronique and Christophe

Modification of the number of Tome

The new edition of the Scout book is taking shape, but it is facing an unexpected problem: the number of new drawings. Indeed, Pierre Joubert was incredibly prolific, and we have exceeded the number of 3,000 new drawings for this new edition, while we had planned for only a thousand. This has put us in a difficult situation as we have created a blank mock-up to test the paper and finishing quality, as well as the technical resistance of the book and how it will be packaged for delivery to buyers. It is clear that these 3,000 new drawings will not fit on the originally planned 1,500 pages.

It is not feasible to leave some drawings out, as this edition aims to be as exhaustive as possible. At the same time, it is not feasible to jeopardize the technical stability of the book. After exploring different options, we have finally decided to create this new Scout opus in three volumes of 700 pages each.

We are aware that this represents a significant change from our initial plan, but we are convinced that it is the best solution to honor Pierre Joubert’s colossal work. This new edition will thus be a true Scoutism bible, bringing together a very large part of Pierre’s works on Scoutism in a monumental and high-quality book.

Véronique et Christophe

Wonderful original drawings by Pierre discovered by chance

We had the incredible luck to come across seven original drawings by Pierre Joubert, thanks to a fortunate chance encounter. These drawings were used to illustrate the Scouts de France calendar of 1952 and are in a remarkably well-preserved condition. The captions are signed by Pierre’s own hand.

When Pierre Joubert, who worked as an illustrator for the Scouts de France for many years, left his position, a large part of his original drawings were lost, destroyed or simply forgotten. That is why we are particularly happy to see some of his drawings reappear as if by magic.

We immediately had these drawings digitized by a professional photogravure technician in order to preserve them in their current state. These discoveries are truly exceptional and we are delighted to be able to share them with you. They will of course be highlighted in our new book.

Véronique and Christophe

Blanket embossing

The new version of our book will consist of three volumes, as announced in the previous article.

To remain consistent with the first version, the dust jackets of volumes 2 and 3 will feature two new embossed drawings on the paper. The original embossing from the first version, depicting the head of Baden Powell drawn by Pierre Joubert, will be retained.

The two new drawings selected for volumes 2 and 3 will be portraits of Scouts. Volume 2 will feature the portrait of a Scout raider with the drawing of raider wings, while volume 3 will have the portrait of a more contemporary Scout.

Embossing is a true work of art and is done by hand by artisans before being placed on type presses to emboss the paper. This will give the dust jackets of volumes 2 and 3 a unique appearance.

We will be happy to share with you the expertise of embossing techniques in a future news article.

Véronique and Christophe

Sketches and drawings

We have made a rare discovery: numerous pencil sketches by Pierre, not yet finalized. These sketches allow us to better understand how Pierre developed his drawings. Some of them are simply in pencil, while others, a little more elaborate, are in color. This exclusive content will be included in our new book “Scout ».


Véronique and Christophe

Our participation in the National Day of the Scouts of Europe

The National Committee of the Scouts of Europe has invited our team to participate in their national day, which will take place from May 6th to 8th at Mont St Michel. We will have the opportunity to present the progress of our new edition of the book “Scouts” during this highly anticipated event.

We have prepared a presentation with prints of the mock-ups, kakemonos, and a collection of eight postcards illustrated with the drawings of Pierre Joubert. We are delighted to be able to share our passion for the history and culture of Scouting with this community.
We would like to warmly thank the National Committee of the Scouts of Europe for their kindness and invitation to this event.

Véronique et Christophe

The Flag: A Little Scout Treasure Illustrated by Pierre Joubert.

In 1938, the national team of Scouts de France decided to release a small 4-page booklet for CPs, in addition to the Scout magazine which was published every two months. The booklet was called “Le Fanion” and was, of course, illustrated by Pierre Joubert. 

We discovered the existence of this little Scout treasure during our research. It was very difficult to find copies of this booklet, but fortunately, the Scouts de France kept a copy of every issue in their archives. 

The drawings made by Pierre Joubert for Le Fanion were all original and not featured in the Scout magazine, providing a large number of unpublished drawings that readers will discover in our reissue. 

One interesting thing to note is that, from 1938 to 1956, the header of the booklet was redrawn five times in different styles, offering a historical and artistic curiosity to discover. 

We are very happy to offer readers the opportunity to discover this rare gem in the history of French Scouting.

Véronique et Christophe


For the first time, in this new version of “Scouts,” you will find the complete adventures of Gribouille.

For those who may not be familiar, Gribouilles is a humorous comic book character created by Pierre Joubert. Pierre came up with the idea for this character in the 1950s, while working as an illustrator for the magazine “La Semaine de Suzette.” He first drew Gribouille in black and white, but later added color to give more life to the character.

The character quickly gained popularity among readers of the magazine. The stories were very simple, but the character was so endearing that it was impossible not to smile while reading about his adventures.

Gribouille has become a true icon of French humorous comic books. Readers of all ages have loved this little character who embodies innocence, creativity, and the joy of living. Of course, there are also Gribouille adventures in Scouting.

Pierre’s talent for humor and the creation of this endearing character has inspired many other cartoonists around the world.


Véronique and Christophe

Pierre Joubert's advertisements

In the world of Scouting, Pierre Joubert was an iconic figure as an illustrator. Although he is mostly known for his drawings in Scout books and magazines, he also created numerous advertisements for various products. 

It would have been easy to devote an entire chapter to this topic in the new book about his life as an illustrator in Scouting. 

Among the most famous advertisements were those for “La Hutte” and the “Signes de Piste” collection, but readers will discover in this book that Pierre left his mark on many other products. 

My personal favorite is the advertisement he created for the Coca-Cola brand. Imagine, a Pierre Joubert advertisement with Scouts for Coke… It was truly another era.


Véronique and Christophe

Color Visual Retouching: Meticulous Work to Preserve Authenticity

Color visual retouching is a delicate task aimed at preserving authenticity, primarily focusing on the visuals created by Pierre for the Scouts de France magazines. These illustrations are
abundant between 1934 and 1960.

The process of restoring these color visuals proves to be delicate and demanding. The primary objective is to
restore the original brilliance of these illustrations by eliminating the yellowish tint of the paper. When Pierre Joubert sketched these drawings, they were executed on pristine white paper. Thus, the restoration aims to revive this original whiteness.

The second phase of this meticulous work involves erasing, whenever possible, the texts added later during the magazine layout. The goal is to restore the artwork as the artist initially conceived it, removing any elements that could have altered his artistic vision.

Lastly, special attention is given to restoring the black areas that may have been damaged over time. This step aims to enhance contrasts and restore the intensity of the blacks, preserving the original artistic expression to the best possible extent. Occasionally, it is necessary to correct minor imperfections and flaws resulting from the printing process, which could distract the viewer’s gaze.

This restoration endeavor represents a painstaking effort, requiring meticulous care to preserve the integrity of Pierre’s drawings. The ultimate goal is to revive the splendor of these illustrations, bringing them as close as possible to their original state. It is a meticulous task that revives Pierre’s works in all their beauty, preserving
their artistic legacy for future generations.

The Scouts Book is now in the SUF Malle

Many thanks to Scouts Unitaires de France for including our book in their catalog.

Véronique and Christophe

A new section is born: The Cubs.

It is a subject that had been overlooked in the first edition of our book; it did not receive the attention it deserved. At that time, we had not taken into account the Louveteau magazine, for which Pierre had created numerous illustrations between 1941 and 1957. Not to mention the numerous progress notebooks associated with it. It was time to address this gap by creating a dedicated section to the adventures in the Jungle.

Véronique and Christophe

The drawings of the 1937 pavilion.

In 1937, during the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques in Paris, the Scouts of France unveiled their own pavilion dedicated to scouting. This exhibition brought together pavilions from many countries around the world, showcasing technological advancements and artistic achievements of their respective nations. The exhibition attracted millions of visitors and was considered a significant event of the interwar period.

Designed from a model by Albert Boekholt, this pavilion was created thanks to the contribution of volunteers. Inside, squares made of isorel measuring one meter on each side were adorned with frescoes drawn by Pierre Joubert. These panels were painted with Stic-R before being assembled to form frontons measuring approximately 12 square meters, as well as 1-meter high friezes. We were lucky enough to find the original sketches by Pierre, which is an especially rare discovery.

Véronique and Christophe

If the Scouts had been there

During his long career with the Scouts de France, Pierre Joubert illustrated numerous scout magazines, always with a great sense of humor. He skillfully depicted the adventures of the scouts, creating endearing characters and amusing situations. But that’s not all, as a history enthusiast, he also illustrated many stories about the glorious figures in French history. With his illustrations, he brought legendary characters such as Joan of Arc, Bayard, and Du Guesclin to life.

However, it was in the series “If the Scouts had been there” that Pierre Joubert truly displayed all of his talent. This series of eight panels is a real masterpiece. It skillfully mixes history, humor, and scouting. Pierre succeeded in creating a fascinating historical fresco, featuring the scouts in significant events from biblical, ancient, or French history. Famous characters such as Vercingetorix, Adam and Eve, Achilles, and Hector are humorously and sensitively sketched.

Today, these eight panels are available in our book, entirely cleaned and restored to their full integrity.

Véronique and Christophe

A wink off topic…………Mickey at the Moisson Jamboree

The Moisson Scout Jamboree of 1947 was the sixth World Scout Jamboree and was held in the town of Moisson, France. This event brought together over 24,000 scouts from 71 different countries. The main theme was “Peace and Brotherhood.” The Moisson Jamboree is considered an important event in the history of scouting, as it was the first jamboree since World War II and contributed to promoting reconciliation and peace among nations.

As a small aside on the subject, you will discover the numerous restored drawings that Pierre drew for the Jamboree Journal. Restoring one of them, which is on a double page and features nearly 150 characters, took us more than 10 days. But that’s not what I wanted to show you.

During this Jamboree, Walt Disney hand-drew and signed a beautiful picture of Mickey as a scout proudly displaying the Jamboree of Peace patch. We found a printed version of this drawing in the depths of dusty archives. Unfortunately, the original has been lost.

Paper Delivery, Delayed Delivery

In a recent development regarding the highly anticipated book, we have just received a crucial paper delivery, marking a significant milestone in the production process. However, this news has been accompanied by an unexpected disappointment for fans, as the delivery has been delayed by 15 days from the initial schedule.

Part of the responsibility for this delay lies in the substantial increase in the number of pages planned for the three volumes of the book. This expansion required the addition of an extra 10 tons of paper for production, which had an impact on the initial planning.

Unfortunately, it is almost certain that this delay will result in a shift in the production schedule and, consequently, in the delivery timeline initially set for December. We are currently awaiting feedback from our printer and bookbinder, but everything indicates that printing will be delayed due to year-end festivities and increased production workload in January. This will likely lead to a new delivery date in February.

We understand the disappointment this may cause to all those eagerly anticipating the book, and we would like to offer our apologies for this delay, which is beyond our control.

To mitigate this disappointment, our printer has made a proposal: for those who have already pre-ordered the book, they will receive a numbered separate print on art paper of one of Pierre’s drawings, based on an original that we will select. We acknowledge that this may not fully compensate for the delay, but we hope that this small gift will accompany the book and help alleviate expectations.


Véronique & Christophe

Selection of Exclusive Art Print as a Gift for Registered Orders: A Special Privilege for Fans

In a proactive and highly responsive effort, we have closely collaborated with our
printer to choose Pierre’s drawing, taken from a unique original, which we will produce in a limited edition of only 1,114 copies. This exceptional piece will
be printed in full color on high-quality art paper, featuring discreet
numbering on the reverse side. All of Pierre’s art in the 1950s…

We genuinely hope that this token of appreciation will bring you great satisfaction. It’s
our way of thanking you for your ongoing support and patience.

Véronique and Christophe

The unique Multi-Page Scouting Comic Created by Pierre Joubert

In March 1949, within the pages of “Scout,” the official magazine of the Scouts de France, Pierre Joubert brought to life a three-page comic strip titled “Mission Amphibie Gisement 210.” This comic strip, a highlight of his career dedicated to Scouting, captures the essence of the spirit of service within the Mouettes patrol during a daring rescue mission.

It is the only one of its kind in the realm of Scouting.

Véronique and Christophe

Evolution of Calendar Sales Techniques Through the Ages

For generations, calendar sales have been an indispensable tradition in the life of a scout. It is both an art, a chore, a duty, and a genuine challenge that renews itself every year for all Scouts and Guides. Over the years, Pierre has been able to add his personal touch to this tradition by illustrating numerous techniques, often infused with humor. These strategies that transcend this art are highlighted in this new edition.

Véronique and Christophe

First Embossing Tool.

In one of our news updates, we mentioned that the covers of each volume would be embossed with a different design by Pierre. The goal is ambitious: each volume in the collection must present a unique cover, adorned with an embossed design representing a different scout portrait by Pierre. The first depicts Baden Powell, the second a Raider Scout from the 1950s, and finally a scout from the contemporary era.


The first production trial had a final result that did not meet the high expectations set by our team. The finished product does not faithfully reflect Pierre’s original drawing. This is a major challenge in the process of reproducing complex artworks. 


We have therefore opted for a complete reevaluation of the technique, using a polymer support and laser engraving. 


This new approach promises not only to correct the previously observed imperfections but also to elevate the quality of the final product. This approach demonstrates our unwavering commitment to offering you a product that does not settle for “almost perfect.” We eagerly await the results of these new trials. »


Véronique & Christophe

Second Attempt at Jacket Embossing

We have finally found the ideal technical solution for embossing jackets, achieving a high level of satisfaction with the quality of the execution. The embossing is entirely in keeping with the quality of Pierre’s design, without any alteration or modification.

A laser and then acid engraving is performed on a negative magnesium plate. A counterpart matrix is then created in resin to obtain a positive. The two plates obtained are then placed in a typographic press to emboss the paper.

The details and texture achieved through embossing add an extra dimension to the work, offering a visually and tactilely enriching experience for the reader.

Véronique and Christophe

A Challenging Dilemma to Resolve

Here is some surprising news. This time, chance has played its tricks poorly and has forced us to make a decision that perhaps not everyone will appreciate.

Alain Goût, a former editor at Signe de Piste, who had the opportunity to collaborate for many years with Pierre Joubert, has recently found a forgotten hard drive containing nearly 500 GB of data. This drive has revealed to us 132 new drawings that we had not found before. It was difficult not to include these drawings in our book, especially since there are many original works.

Faced with this exceptional discovery, we have made the bold but thoughtful decision to integrate these works into the upcoming book.

We are fully aware that this announcement may elicit varied reactions. For some, this delay may be a source of frustration. For others, the excitement of discovering these unpublished works will prevail. The new delivery date is now scheduled for around the end of May, beginning of June.

We need to reorder paper; the schedule given to us by the printer and bookbinder will be shifted.

It was very hard for us to make this decision, but you know, this book will never be reprinted. I give you my word as a Scout that this is the very last batch of drawings that we will accept. We thank you in advance for your understanding and continuous support. Our goal remains unchanged: to provide an exceptional work that honors the talent and legacy of Pierre Joubert. We hope that you will share our enthusiasm for this remarkable discovery and for the unique opportunity it represents.


Véronique & Christophe

A Visual Selection for the Guards of the Three Volumes.

In a continued effort to honor the artistic legacy of Pierre Joubert, a meticulous selection of drawings has been made for the guards of the three volumes of our work. Following the first edition, this new collection will feature color visuals treated in faux. The selection process was not without its challenges, the goal being to capture key moments reflecting different epochs in the artist’s life.

We hope that you will appreciate this selection.


Véronique and Christophe

Discover in advance some pages of our New Monumental Work !

We are delighted to offer you an exclusive preview of our upcoming book, which promises to captivate scouting enthusiasts and history buffs alike! Comprising three volumes totaling 2400 pages, this exceptional work showcases 95% of Pierre Joubert’s iconic drawings dedicated to scouting. 


It is a true encyclopedic monument inviting you to delve into the fascinating world of scouting through 24 themes spanning over 60 years of history. Each volume, with its 800 pages rich in illustrations, will take you through the various Scout movements and the significant events of their history. 


We are eager to unveil these pages, which attest to Pierre Joubert’s passion and dedication to scouting. We hope you will enjoy this journey through history through his magnificent drawings. Stay tuned for more details on the release of this book, which promises to be essential for all scouting and art enthusiasts !


Véronique and Christophe

Discover the embossing of the jackets.

The tools required for embossing the jackets are now finalized. The first press trials for the three covers of each volume of their upcoming work have therefore been completed. 

After months of hard work, the result obtained is perfectly up to our expectations. The subtle details of the embossing add a unique tactile and aesthetic dimension to each cover. 

Things are taking shape as we progress through our production schedule, and we hope you appreciate that we are sharing every step of this exciting project with you. 

This new stage marks a significant progress in the creation of this eagerly awaited work by all of you.


Véronique and Christophe

A New Mockup for the Monumental Work in Three Volumes

In a recent and significant development, we are pleased to announce the completion of a new white mockup. This crucial step follows the latest pagination modifications made to the work, now bringing the total number of pages to an impressive 2400. This massive amount of content marks an important milestone, with each volume comprising 800 pages.

Far from the initial number of pages announced at the beginning of the project, this expansion reflects our commitment to making this work as comprehensive as possible. The white mockup represents not only a technical achievement but also a testament to our rigor and determination.

With the low likelihood of a future reedition, this work is destined to become a must-have for enthusiasts and connoisseurs of Pierre’s work in Scouting. The realization of this white mockup is a step further towards the realization of a project that, once published, promises to leave an indelible mark in the literary and artistic world.

Véronique and Christophe

Heart surgery and cancer...

Hello everyone,
It’s a title that doesn’t really fit in with Pierre Joubert’s world, and doesn’t make you dream. Unfortunately, it reflects the state of Véronique’s and my health.

Without wishing to write you a novel about our lives, Véronique underwent emergency heart surgery 2 months ago, and after a month’s convalescence in hospital, she is gradually recovering from this major operation.
As for me, my cancer is acting up again, and after metastases weakened my skeleton, fractures occurred, causing me considerable pain and forcing me to endure substantial morphine treatment. It has now started up again, forcing me to resume chemotherapy…
Despite this, I remain optimistic and determined to move forward.

As you can see, we’re not in the best of shape, and these unplanned events are having an impact on our schedule, as we haven’t been able to complete and validate the proofreads on time, causing us to lose our place on our suppliers’ schedules.
The initial project was 950 pages long, and now it’s 2450 pages.
This situation makes me despair… However, this postponement due to our personal situation does not mean that we are abandoning the project – quite the contrary.
We’d like to reassure you that we’re doing everything we can to offer you a result that lives up to your expectations.

Here are some of the positives to come out of the extra time:

More drawings than expected,
Considerable archiving work,
Much better rendering and paper quality,
Unchanged price for pre-orderers,

We’re convinced that these improvements will make the project even more exceptional, and we’re determined to deliver a final product of which we’ll all be proud.
We are therefore postponing delivery of the project until November to allow us to overcome these challenges and fine-tune the details carefully.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

We look forward to sharing this project with you very soon.

Véronique and Christophe

PS: 24 new, totally unpublished drawings from Pierre’s notebooks when he was a scout have been discovered. He wasn’t in the drawings in these notebooks when he entrusted them to me 20 years ago. He had certainly left them just before the war. Here are a few of them…


New Illustrations Discovered This Summer

This summer, we were fortunate to receive over 40 new drawings, which have greatly enriched our collection. These illustrations were generously provided by enthusiasts and collectors, to whom we extend our heartfelt thanks for their invaluable contributions. Among these works, a unique series stands out, filling a gap in our section dedicated to the “Jamboree.”

This series consists of drawings created by Pierre Joubert in 1955 for a humorous calendar published by the Federation of Catholic Scouts of Canada in 1956. Each month, illustrated by Pierre, highlights the Jamboree theme through 12 charming and witty scenes. Interestingly, we had completely missed this edition at the time.

These humor-filled illustrations are a true delight to enjoy without moderation!